
my monthly offer for single mothers

Currently, all available slots have been taken.
Future time slots will be posted soon.

My offering is to honor the miracle of motherhood.

Giving life, nurturing, caring and maintaining the warmth of home—these are among the most beautiful yet often deeply challenging aspects of motherhood.

Today a mother’s role comes with incredibly complex tasks and expectations. 

Balancing these roles and responsibilities often leaves little space for self-care and reconnecting with our inner selves.

This is especially true for single mothers whose struggles and hardships are difficult to put into words.

My offering is dedicated to them. I wish that this quiet time of self-care will bring them lasting strength and inspiration in their daily challenges.

About the offering:

  • The session is  free of charge. Some bring a symbolic gift but it is not a must.
  • I would appreciate a short written reflection after the session that I may share online. This way you can support my work. 

If you have any questions, feel free to reach out.
I warmly welcome you.